The program promotes choreographic art through the initiation of young Moroccans to discover their talents. It is composed of:
And masterclass.
This program will be completed by the presentation of various choreographic creations to the public in the city of Rabat.
MANBET is principally oriented to disadvantaged population groups or to groups of people who cannot participate in the artistic life (in spite of their undeniable cultural wealth).
The speakers are artists collaborating with Khalid Benghrib, most of them participate and have contributed to the creation of the DK-FAR company. Initially specialists in their respective areas – Hip Hop – Break Dance – Krump – Contemporary Dance – Transe Dance – Yoga – Martial Arts
Large public of Rabat
MANBET is principally oriented to disadvantaged population groups or to groups of people who cannot participate in the artistic life (in spite of their undeniable cultural wealth).
The speakers are artists collaborating with Khalid Benghrib, most of them participate and have contributed to the creation of the DK-FAR company. Initially specialists in their respective areas – Hip Hop – Break Dance – Krump – Contemporary Dance – Transe Dance – Yoga – Martial Arts
Large public of Rabat
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