African Capitals of Culture


The African Capitals of Culture is a program supported by United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa)

Created by Africans for Africans, the African Capitals of Culture is a
program that aims to draw, for the continent as for the world, scenarios
of alternative development, based on an unparalleled cultural depth, and
addressing the challenges of transition, which are the key to our common future.

The African continent should become the space of solidarity innovation, where centuries old traditions will mingle with current modernities to
shape hybrid urban spaces capable of reinventing a conscious, committed
citizenship, capable of setting itself up as an example for all metropolises of the world.

Every three years, a city in Africa will be named African Capital of Culture Twelve months of events, one off or structuring events, will take place there.

Each African Capital of Culture becomes the host of all Africa It is the crossroads, for a year, of the creativity of the continent, its territories and cities.

Each edition of an African Capital of Culture opens up a time of global visibility for a set of multi annual programs, piloted by the Organizing Committee of African Capitals of Culture These programs are deployed continuously throughout the continent by connecting the creative actors of African cities.


Make Africa aware of its cultural depth
Make the continent the keystone of our commonfuture, by tackling the challenges of transition